There is such a game as World of Warcraft!
It is cruel but in a good time!
Although not depend on it!
The game is divided into two operations:
Allianz and Horde ..
There are different scattering have different names ..
Toko nepripomnyat even our friends .. What are crowds Buying BOB?
Think it is very crowded in the game it has played a 12 billion Players .. traders and ordinary players!
Although the brutal but well! Here Two goals!
Be the Father of game, you pobedidel you in this world of the warrior!
You slyshesh Creek? You are here Razdelyayush victory as the paper!
Menyaesh money on the game!
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You are a winner you are in this world of the warrior!
You Pobedititel you in this достоен!
The Sea Divides two countries! Play by the rules!
If neblyudaesh rules Karayev BOB!
Each has its own history!
Who Win It Right!
Duel! No meetings and events miserable!
They win! Allianz and Horde! Sila!
About Russia Yes, you are slyshesh Call Warcraft'a!
Be the Father of game, you pobedidel you in this world of the warrior!
You slyshesh Creek? You are here Razdelyayush victory as the paper!
Menyaesh money on the game!
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Thoughts on Vove anywhere to study, work, at home!
They win Allianz and Horde Sila!
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